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The 2nd International Conference on Ganhwa Seon (제2회 간화선 국제학술대회)

등록일 2018-01-31 작성자 종학연구소 조회 466

<The 2nd International Conference on Ganhwa Seon> 


<Ganhwa Seon, Its Principle and Structure>

Ganhwa Seon has greatly influenced the life and consciousness of Korean people as a representative, traditional method of practice. In August 2011, the Institute held its 2nd International Conference on Ganhwa Seon in order to explore the dynamic driving force of Ganhwa Seon by reviewing the principles and structure of the practice. In particular, we provided on-the-spot guidance in Ganhwa Seon to participating scholars. We also arranged for them to meet Ganhwa Seon masters to listen to their teachings. This provided an opportunity for scholars to directly experience Ganhwa Seon while presenting an actual research opportunity based on firsthand experience. 


《Academic Conference》

Subject: Ganhwa Seon, Its Principle and Structure

Date: August 20~ 21, 2011

Venue: Jung-gangdang (Middle Auditorium), Dongguk University


《Ganhwa Seon Practice》

Date: August 15~19, 2011 

Venue: Baekdam-sa Temple


《Seon Temple Visit》

Date: August 15~19, 2011 

Visiting Masters: Ven. Hyeguk (Seokjong-sa Temple), Ven. Jeokmyeong (Bongam-sa Temple), Ven. Jinje (Donghwa-sa Temple)


The Detailed Topics of Academic Conference 

Topic 1: Chan Thoughts Appearing in Floating Transition from Tang to Song China-Focusing on the Pre-Dahui Zonggao Period

Presenter: Ven Hyewon (Dongguk University) 


Topic 2: Two Soteriologies or One? Ganhwa Practice and Zongmil’s Sudden/Gradual Model of the Path 

Presenter: Peter N. Gregory (Smith College) 


Topic 3: Dahui Zonggao and the Hwadu/Huatou of Death, with Special Attention to his “Sermons to the Ten Directions (pushuo) and his Letters (shu)” 

Presenter: Miriam Levering (University of Tennessee)


Topic 4: The Transformation of Doubt (ǔijǒng) in Ganhwa Seon: The Testimony of Gaofeng Yuanmiao 

Presenter: Robert E.Buswell Jr. (UCLA) 


Topic 5: The Use of Buddha-Recitation (nianfo, 念佛)  Motifs in Chinese Kanhua Chan 

Presenter: Morten Schlütter (University of lowa) 


Topic 6: Two Zen Monks in the Early Qing Dynasty- Yulin Tongxiu and Weilin Daopei (玉林通琇和 爲霖道霈)

Presenter: Tianxiang Ma (武漢大學)


Topic 7: An Analysis of Master Xuyuh’s Theory of Ganhwa Seon (Kanhua chan)

Presenter: Xianian Huang(社會科學院)


Topic 8: Rujing’s “Just Sit” (shikan taza 祇管打坐) and Other kōans Used by Zen Master Dōgen

Presenter: T. Griffith Foulk (Sarah Lawrence College)


Topic 9: Koan Meditation in Japan the Principle and Structure of Hakuin Zen (白隱禪)

Presenter: Shiro Nakajima (花園大學)


Topic 10: Moguja Jinul’s Acceptance of Ganhwa Seon and His Mindset

Presenter: Seongryul Choi (Chosun University)


Topic 11: How Did Ganhwa Seon Practice Become Predominant over the Other Buddhist Traditions of the Late Goryeo Dynasty?

Presenter: Yeonshik Choe (Mokpo University)


Topic 12: The Theoretical Bases for Ganhwa Seon in the Writings of Sǒsan Hyujǒng and his Teachers

Presenter: John Jorgensen (Former Griffith University)


Topic 13: The Seon Dispute of the Late Joseon Era

Presenter: Haedang  Park (Hallym University)


Topic 14: Individuality and Universality of Practice and Enlightenment:

Focused on Ganhwa Seon in Modern Korean Buddhism 

Presenter: Jaehyeon Park (Seoul University of Buddhism)


Topic 15: The Origin and Structure of the Ganhwa Seon in Modern Korea:

With an Emphasis on Seon Master Gyeongbong

Presenter: Ven. Eugene (Dongguk University)


Host: Hosted by Dongguk University

Organizer: Conducted by the Institute for the Study of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, Dongguk University

Sponsor: Sponsored by Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, the Department of Monastic Training; Anguk Zen Center; Haeun Jeong-sa; Doseon-sa; Korea Buddhism Promotion Foundation; Bongeun-sa; Seokjong-sa


<제2회 간화선 국제학술대회 

The 2nd International Conference on Ganhwa Seon>



화선, 그 원리와 구조

Ganhwa Seon, Its Principle and Structure



일시▶ 2011. 8. 20~21(토,일) 09:30~18:00

장소▶ 동국대학교 중강당


추최▶ 동국대학교

         Hosted by Dongguk University

주관▶ 동국대학교 불교학술원 종학연구소

         Conducted by the Institute for the Study of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism,

            Dongguk Univ.

후원▶ 대한불교조계종교육원, 안국선원, 해운정사, 도선사, (재)대한불교진흥원,

        봉은사, 석종사

         Sponsored by Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, the Dept. of Monastic Training;

         Anguk Zen Center; Haeun Jeongsa; Doseonsa; Korea Buddhism Promotion

          Foundation; Bongeunsa; Seokjongsa​