The 3rd International Conference on Ganhwa Seon (제3회 간화선 국제학술대회)
<The 3rd International Conference on Ganhwa Seon>
(Ganhwa Seon In the History of Buddhist Thought)
The 3rd International Conference on Ganhwa Seon titled 'Ganhwa Seon and Doctrine' tried to illuminate the relationship between Seon Buddhism and Buddhist doctrine, along with their ultimate meanings, from diverse perspectives and approaches. Many scholars from around the world, including the U.S., Australia, Japan, China, Thailand and others, participated in this conference. As in the previous year, all participating scholars received on-the-spot guidance in Ganhwa Seon practice. They also had the opportunity to visit Ganhwa Seon masters and listen to their teaching.
《Academic Conference》
Subject: Ganhwa Seon and Doctrine
Date: 2012년 6월 23일~24일
Venue: Jung-gangdang (Middle Auditorium), Dongguk University
《Ganhwa Seon Practice》
Date: June 25~July 1, 2012
Venue: Baekdam-sa Temple
《Seon Temple Visit》
Date: July 2~3, 2012
Visiting Masters: Ven. Hyeguk (Seokjong-sa Temple), Ven. Jeokmyeong (Bongam-sa Temple), Ven. Muyeo (Chukseo-sa Temple)
► The Detailed Topics of Academic Conference
Topic 1: Ganhwa Seon and Hwaeom Thought
Presenter: Ven. Haeju (Dongguk University) /
Discussion: Ven. Jongbum (Joong-Ang Sangha University)
Topic 2: An Idea of Kǒan Teaching in Theravada Buddhism-A Case Study in Pali Tipitaka, Commentaries and Contemporary Kǒan Practice in Thailand
Presenter: Ven. Phramaha Nopadol Saisuta (MCU, Thailand)
Discussion: Jaesung Kim (Seoul University of Buddhism)
Topic 3: An Understand of Ganhwa Seon from the Perspective of the Consciousness-Only School
Presenter: Ja-Kyoung Han (Ewha Woman’s University)
Discussion: Jeson Woo (Dongguk University)
Topic 4: Kǒan Zen and the Bodhisattva Path of Yogãcãra in India: D.T. Suzuki’s Interpretation of Kōan Zen
Presenter: Akemi Iwamoto (D.T. Suzuki Museum)
Discussion: Eiji Suhara (University of Pittsburgh)
Topic 5: The Logic of Prajńã Operating in Ganhwa Seon
Presenter: Jinmoo Kim (Dongguk University)
Discussion: Ven. In Kyung (Dongbang Graduate University)
Topic 6: Updating the Case Study Literature - A 1714 Collection of 2720 Gong’an
Presenter: Jennifer Eichman (Moravian College)
Discussion: Geum-yeon Hwang (Dongguk University)
Topic 7: Structural Relevance Between Ganhwa Seon and Tiantai Doctrine
Presenter: Ven. Jongho (Dongguk University)
Discussion: Byungwook Lee (Korea University)
Topic 8: Development of Distinctive Chan Approaches to Meditative Praxis
during the Tang Era
Presenter: Mario Poceski (University of Florida)
Discussion: Hong-Gun Kim (Korea Ganhwaseon Institute)
Topic 9: Repentance Practice at Baoshan-Pre-Histories of the Key Phrase
Presenter: Wendi Adamek (University of Sydney)
Discussion: Beata Grant (Washington University)
Topic 10: Lettered Chan and Kanhua Chan in Song China, and the Relationship between the Chan and Doctrinal Schools
Presenter: Sun Yiping (Nanjing University)
Discussion: Ven. Hyewon (Dongguk University)
Topic 11: Ganhwa Seon and Prajńã-Mãdhyamaka
Presenter: Sung-Chul Kim (Dongguk University)
Discussion: Jong-Nam Choi(Joong-Ang Sangha University)
Topic 12: Doubt vs. Certitude in the Buddhist Path
Presenter: Robert Gimello (Notre Dame University)
Discussion: Deok-jin Lee (Changwon Moonsung University)
Host: Hosted by Dongguk University
Organizer: Organized by International Seon Center; The Institute for the Study of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, Dongguk University
Sponsor: Sponsored by the Dept. of Monastic Training in the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism; Anguk Zen Center; Korea Buddhism Promotion Foundation
<제3회 간화선 국제학술대회>
간화선과 불교교학(학술대회, 수행, 대담)
Ganhwa Seon in the History of Budhiist Thought
Conference, Retreat, Dharma-Talk
일 시▶ 2012. 6. 23(토)~7. 3(화)
학술대회▶ 동국대학교 중강당
수 행▶ 마곡사(지도:수불스님)
대 담▶ 무여·혜국·적명스님
주최▶ 동국대학교
Hosted by Dongguk University
주관▶ 국제선센터, 불교학술원 종학연구소
Organized by International Seon Center; The Institute for the Study of the Jogye
Order of Korean Buddhism, Dongguk Univ.
후원▶ 대한불교조게종교육원, 안국선원, (재)대한불교진흥원
Sponsored by the Dept. of Moanstic Training in the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism;
Anguk Zen Center; Korea Buddhism Promotion Foundation